To learn, you need to understand – at a minimum !
And to remember as well !
At least it’s my way of learning/remembering.

If you don’t have a clue of the why/when/where/how… it’s difficult to fix it in your memory centers because you can’t make links.

Imagine you tie a boat with just one rope, it’s going to wander around… but if you tie it with a few ropes – like smart sailors do – it won’t budge.

Same with what me learn… with a few good ties, it will stay and you will be better able to retrieve it.

That is why the Dare Speak French program will not leave you with just “words” or “parts of speech” to hang on to… but will explain – very simply and matter-of-factly – the logic behind the words, therefore increasing your retention.
With many tips and shortcuts… because the idea is not to become grammar scholars