It’s raining a lot these days and mushrooms started to show their heads in my lawn… which inspired me this post about… mushrooms.

When a French speaks about “champignons”… think twice, especially if it doesn’t quite make sense for you.

We agree about the mushroom from the photo, the ones you use as food or the ones you avoid picking in the forest if you don’t want to end up in a hospital or… a cemetery ! They are “champignons,” edible or toxic.

But the French also use the same word “champignons” for fungus. The ones that cause fungal infection or mycosis. On the other hand, we will talk about the fungicidal effect of an ointment or medicine with the adjective/noun “fongicide,” and not mushroomicidal 😉

Could we imagine that it’s better accepted to have “des champignons entre les doigts de pied,” literally “mushrooms between the toes,” rather than fungus? But the idea of mushrooms growing on your skin or in your body remains really weird, don’t you think?