Or should I say “soundalikes” !

Râper is not to rape, don’t even think of making the mistake.
Râper means to grate like in “grate some cheese over your macaroni”
Now… if you hear that someone “râpe du fromage” – even if you find it incredibly funny… you must realize that it’s a perfectly normal – and tasty – activity 😉

Anther one, in the same field, is the word “fac,” short for “faculté,” synonym of university. It’s very much used in French. When you hear it, you might perceive “fuck” which is not very far in pronunciation, especially if you perceive the “u“ more like an “a” that an actual “u”.

Of course, this only happens in the spoken language as the spelling would make the difference… but… hey… it’s Dare SPEAK French, here 😉