Can we call a mistake a “FAUTE”?

Can we call a mistake a “FAUTE”?

It started as a conversation about spelling. And, more precisely, about spelling mistakes. And it drifted onto the word “FAUTE”… oh yes, it was all in French 😉 This is what a lady, an English teacher, said (I translate) : “Many people mistakenly speak of “FAUTES...

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There is College and Collège…

There is College and Collège…

College... in France, EVERYBODY goes to college... by law! How come? If you're from the USA or Canada - excuse me for the other anglophone countries, I don't know your scholar system - your “college” isn't the same as the French's. The French scholar system is the...

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“On” instead of ”Nous“ for “We“

“On” instead of ”Nous“ for “We“

On comes up in conversation ALL THE TIME, you will not ba able to avoid it 😉 1/ “On” is used to represent “unknown” people, as a group. In English, it could be “people” or “You” when it is not meant to point out the exact person/s you're talking to. Ex.: On doit...

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Familiar goodbyes

Familiar goodbyes

We're going to leave the very formal goodbyes here and dive into the familiar - or overfamiliar - ones. Bye... would be “Salut !” Ciao... would be “Ciao”, “Tchao” (pronounced the same way as Ciao... all'italiana 😉 See ya... would be “À toute” or “À plus” (short for...

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There is More Than You Thought About Genders ;-)

There is More Than You Thought About Genders 😉

We've already talked about genders in French... there is more 😉 There are some words that are spelled exactly the same way... but they change meaning if they are used as masculine or feminine. How come ? I explain : MOULE - “un moule“, masculine, is a form, a mould,...

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Bad Press… Rectified !

Bad Press… Rectified !

Today, I'm going to quote Ravin Hurloll, an anglophone journalist, about what he thinks of the French... interesting... and another good reason to get to know them somewhat more closely. I found these few words on Quora. Here it goes : "I am a non-French person, but I...

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