Today, I’m going to quote Ravin Hurloll, an anglophone journalist, about what he thinks of the French… interesting… and another good reason to get to know them somewhat more closely. I found these few words on Quora. Here it goes :

“I am a non-French person, but I have known several French persons.
I must say that the French often have a poor image around the world. The French are often accused of rudeness and cowardice, but this is very unfair.
Those who know French people, their history, their culture and their language know them to be very friendly, courteous, and generous.
I have found them to be genuinely interested if you are from another country. They also seem to me to be very lucid and rational people. Unlike the English-speaking peoples, I have found them much more ready to show the same sort of respect whatever your social class is.
As a professional journalist myself, I must say they have a very bad press in the Anglo-Saxon media.

And those stories about the French being ready to surrender is just nonsense, from those who know their proud military history.”

Thanks, Mr. Hurloll, from the heart 🙂