When a French native tries to speak English to an English speaking person, it happens something that is called a French accent.

A French accent is, in reality, just a French person pronouncing English words as best they can but with the rules of speaking French that they have known their whole lives.

When an English speaking person tries to speak French it’s just the opposite… they have an English accent… that can be American, British, Australian… or even more regional… you name it!
Some find it sexy… and truly, a hint of a foreign accent is often really sexy… within the limits of comprehension.
Mind you, there are some French who can’t understand other French autochthons coming from regions where the accent is really thick!
What it the moral of this post? Do you best and forget it… it will come with habit and repetition.
My husband’s grandmother, arrived from Virginia and married in France at age 18… was still VERY American sounding at age 88, 70 years later… and she was the most adorable old lady you could think of.
That gives you some leeway 😉