Dare Speak French The French K.I.S.S. Method 😉
You have learnt “some” French in school, college, University – or because you used to live in a francophone country at some point in time… or something along those lines.
NOW… you feel you need a serious revamping of you spoken French : you need to understand, to speak and be understood…
Spoken French Course
OK, you’re not ready to speak any French fluently… you hardly know French to start with, or very little…
Why not start with the basics, the amount of French you can’t live without if you hope to interact in French (people, TV, books, and what not…)
Maybe you’ll realize that you need that along with the Immersion program, to help you fix your French…
Stories for Kids, in French
Imagine… you children learning French through stories the way they learned English from the stories you read to them… and from you talking to them, of course!
You can’t speak French good enough – or at all? That’s exactly why I will tell the stories in French – recorded, your only job will be to press the play button 😉 … and you will have the text in French and English to follow along and do your Mom or Dad’s part…
Bla Bla Blog
Here… it’s just another path to get to the BLOG, other than using the main menu upthere 😉
It’s free, open to everyone… and it’s mainly some ratiocinations of mine… hey, another of the many words that are identical in French and English!!! Not that you’re going to use this one very often, mind you…
Did you know that you already know a good deal of French, actually?